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We are a parent run group! We can share and explore feelings and issues around our children's needs because together we are stronger.

We have a wealth of knowledge to share and learn.

Any parent who has concerns about their child, whether diagnosed or not is welcome.

We see families in our group who deal with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health  issues. Learning Disabilities, speech difficulties, ADHD...all are part of our group.

 Our group is currently not meeting face to face. Please consider joining the FB group for support!



                        We have a Facebook group as well. It                          is secret to protect our privacy so it                              cannot  be searched in facebook. If you want to join please contact:

Diana at




 Once a year we plan a Mom's Getaway Weekend. It gives us something to look forward to. The weekend is a chance to rejuvenate, have fun, get empowered, and meet new friends.

We welcome you to the group and the weekend!!!




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